Recommended Resources
Sites, Blogs and Podcasts:
- The National Initiative for Eating Disorders (NEID)
- The Butterfly Foundation for Eating Disorders
- The Looking Glass Foundation
- BEAT: The UK’s Eating Disorder Charity
- Dr. Sarah Ravin
- Stories for Caregivers
- Maudsley Parents: A Site for Parents of Eating Disordered Children
- Eating Disorders Carers Help Kit
- Eating Disorders Nova Scotia
- F.E.A.S.T
- Eva Musby
- Sashbear Family Connections
- Caregivers Nova Scotia
- mhfoundations-EFT
- Eating Disorders Aren’t Just a Girl Thing
- Recovery Care Collective
- Health4performance
- ANAD | Free Eating Disorder Support Groups & Services
- Running in Silence – 501(c)3 nonprofit to break misconceptions, heighten awareness, and offer hope and resources
- Maritime Eating & Appearance Lab
- Eating Disorder Interview with Dr. Erin Parks
- Tabitha Farrar: Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast 2017 Feed
- Eating Disorders Resource Catalogue Archived Podcasts
- New Plates: Eating Disorders and Parents
- The Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast
- The Recovery Warrior Podcast
- Eva Musby on The Surprising Truth about Care for Parents and Partners
- Tabitha Farrar: Eating Disorder Recovery for Adults
- Eating Disorders are not just a “Girl Thing”
- Laura’s Soap Box
- The Mighty
- National Eating Disorder Association: NEDA
- Kartini Clinic for Children and Families
- The Emily Project Blog
- The FEED Blog: News and Views from the TEAM at the Columbia Center for Eating Disorders
- The Center for Eating Disorders Blog Sheppard Pratt
- NEDIC Blog
- Project HEAL Blog
- Recovery Record
- Rise Up + Recover: An Eating Disorder Monitoring and Management Tool for Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating and EDNOS
- Reallife Change
- Mindshift CBT – Anxiety Canada
- What’s Up? A Mental Health App
- Cognitive Diary CBT Self-Help
- Calm Harm
“Love Fat” by Tabitha Farrar
“Rehabilitate, Rewire, Recover!” by Tabitha Farrar
“Recovery from Eating Disorders – A Step-By-Step Guide” by Gwyneth Olwyn
“Anorexia and Other Eating Disorders” by Eva Musby
Instant Online Chat Services –
NEDIC Instant Chat more info on this service
Facebook Pages/Groups
Annapolis Valley Families Caring for Loved Ones with an Eating Disorder (closed group)
Coffee Breaks for Parents/Caregivers of Eating Disorder Patients(closed group)
Around the Dinner Table group for caregivers (closed group)
Eating Disorder Parent Support Caring For Adults (closed group)
EDPS support group (closed group)
The Dirty Laundry Project
International Eating Disorder Family Support (closed group)
International Eating Disorder ACTION (closed group)
Please Note: the content in the above noted Web Sites, Blogs and Podcasts are meant for global audiences. However there are some regional differences such as: accessibility of treatment, types of treatments available, best practices, along with a host of other factors. Flags/icons have been placed by each entry so you may have a contextual understanding of those differences according to geographical location.