This free, online seminar might be helpful to anyone who has witnessed or experienced high risk behaviours, suicide ideation or actual attempts, or self injury of a loved one. PTSD in caregivers is a very real thing.
Join Eating Disorders Nova Scotia on Monday, August 29th at 7pm Atlantic for our virtual ‘Back to School’ workshop. We will be discussing the ways in which diet culture exists on campus, how recovery can be difficult to navigate at school, and most importantly - how to combat these challenges! This workshop is free and... Read more >
We are not medical or mental health professionals. Please do not substitute the info on this site for medical care. If you are worried about the health and well being of a loved one, please seek medical attention as soon as possible. We ask all members on this forum to be respectful of other's opinions. As with everything else on this site: Take what you like and leave the rest.
Both Brigitte and myself are the admins/moderators for this site and as such will remove any posts that we deem disrespectful or abusive.
This website is funded through a generous grant from the Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia.