Why this workshop? Treatment for our children is tough, at a time when the eating disorder puts them in a highly distressed state. While previously, we parents did a perfectly fine job and had happy, loving children, suddenly we need to skill up. Without new skills, our homes become war zones, or we're constantly walking... Read more >
We are not medical or mental health professionals. Please do not substitute the info on this site for medical care. If you are worried about the health and well being of a loved one, please seek medical attention as soon as possible. We ask all members on this forum to be respectful of other's opinions. As with everything else on this site: Take what you like and leave the rest.
Both Brigitte and myself are the admins/moderators for this site and as such will remove any posts that we deem disrespectful or abusive.
This website is funded through a generous grant from the Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia.